– Anderson and I celebrated our 8th anniversary this week! Every time I talked about our relationship, I seem to mention grace. It’s because I can’t get over how good God has been to us. We’re so undeserving!
– Kingston’s preschool teacher posted some pictures on FB of her newborn grandson, so I showed them to him. He said, “Yes he’s cute. Don’t you think all babies look alike though?” Ha!! Yes. I thought the same thing until the day I had one of my own.
– Just so you know, if you leave a serving spoon in a bowl and put the bowl in the microwave, you can heat it for 1:30 without blowing up your house.
– We have some awesome school choices in Jacksonville. And I’m really thankful. If we send Kingston to the neighborhood public school – win! And if we get into a magnet or charter school – win! I’m not what you might call a go-getter when it comes to researching schools or kids’ activities or anything in that area. But when I found out we have public school options other than our neighborhood school, I felt like I really needed to put in the effort and find out more. So we toured some schools and filled out applications. But I didn’t turn in the applications… until the deadline day. One morning Anderson and I were talking and he mentioned the school applications, and I realized TODAY IS THE DEADLINE! NOOOO! I had to rush downtown to the school board building, but I wasn’t too worried until I got there. I planned to just drop off the forms with someone and be on my way. But oh no! Not on deadline day! I was ushered into a large auditorium with all the other negligent parents in Jacksonville. Then they gave me a ticket with a number on it, and I realized my fate. We were doing this DMV style. Yes. All of us slackers sat there and waited as one number was called at a time. I will never wait until the last minute again. (Or until next year.)
– I’m a big Bible highlighter/note writer. One morning Kingston asked me why I was highlighting a verse, so I told him that I just really liked it. He said, “So do you not like those other ones?” Yikes. This could lead to a deeper post about how we (I) pick and choose what we like/don’t really like about God’s Word. For now we’ll just leave it at this though!
– My car is dying a slow death. The dealership is a disaster, and no one else really likes working on BMWs. So an awesome friend (who is a skilled mechanic) took pity on us and worked on my car last month. He then told us to get rid of it sooner than later. So… I would love to know if you have a car that you would recommend, because I’ve been driving BMWs for 10 years and am ready to break up with them FOR GOOD THIS TIME. My last car was awesome but this one has had so many issues. Plus I just don’t feel like the whole “luxury” car thing really fits my heart/priorities anymore. I know. That’s ridiculous. But if I’m really brutally honest, I think I started driving them for the status symbol. At least a little bit. And now I kind of hate all things flashy/name brand. While I was car-less, a friend let me borrow her Toyota Rav4, and I really liked it! Does anyone else love their car so much that you’d recommend it to me? Please help! Extra points if it’s not a model that results in mechanics all over town hanging up on me when I call to ask about repairs. 🙂
– I took Kingston to school one morning and found out his health forms were expired. Did you know you have to ask for the forms from the pediatrician? Yeah. You probably did. But I didn’t! We were just at the pediatrician for an annual well check, and no one asked if we needed forms. So I ended up having to frantically call the doctor’s office then camp out and wait for them to get the doctor to sign them, because Kingston wasn’t supposed to be at school with outdated forms! Then when it was time to sign and pay for the forms (you have to pay for them?!) I completely blanked out and couldn’t remember my address. I just stood there frozen and couldn’t think of any numbers at all! So I just wrote our street name and left.
– Last week I found myself asking Google, “How to get dried boogers off a wall.”
– We started soccer last weekend. I say “we” because Kingston is playing, Anderson is coaching, and I’m making sure they don’t fight too much. He was on the phone with his Grandma and Grandpa inviting them to his first game when Grandma said, “You must be so excited!” And he said, “No I’m not. I’m nervous, and I don’t like it.” It’s going to be a long season…