We went back to church last Sunday for the first time since March.
See how Kingston is sitting on the edge of this chair like it’s taking everything inside him to reign in his energy and sit still for the 10 seconds it took to snap this pic? Yep. That was him for an hour and a half at church. And I didn’t give a crap! Ya hear me?! Not one crap. He was sitting on his head by the end of the service, but we were there! IN PERSON! Worshiping God with other believers. And it was incredible. We left with full, grateful hearts. Grateful that we don’t have to go to church. We get to go! What a privilege. I’ll never take it for granted again.
And would you know, not one person gave our rowdy boy the stink eye for standing in his seat, or singing very, very loudly, or the aforementioned sitting on his head? Is it possible that all our perspectives have shifted to a place of thankfulness so much that we’re just a teeny, tiny bit less judgmental?
Lord, let it be so! 😉