Outfit of the Week

And then someone crashed the party. 🙂

Dress: Thrift Store, Cardigan: Express, Vest: Converse One Star, Boots: Steve Madden
Yes. It’s January, and I’m wearing boots and a skirt with no tights or leggings. Sometimes it’s nice to live in a place with one season!

And a little explanation since this is my first Outfit of the Week of 2013: I started doing outfit posts back when I was pregnant with Kingston. It was a personal challenge and a great reminder to not go down the “pregnant woman in yoga pants everyday” road. (I’m a big believer in look good, feel good.) And I enjoyed doing those posts so much that I kept it up after he was born. I like putting together the outfits, and Anderson takes most of the pictures. That’s a trip, I assure you. I’m not sure if I’ll continue doing these… we’ll see. But here are my 10 favorite outfit posts from 2012.

Floral and Leopard

Spring Fever

Mr. and Mrs. Almeida

Brights and Stripes

The Blues

Knot It

Animal Lover

Come on Over

Safari Style

1 Dress. 3 Ways.

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