The boys came along for the fun when I had a photoshoot at Disney last month! BTW – If Disney is your thing, this is the year (through February I think) to book a shoot there, because you won’t have to pay for my ticket while we have our annual passes. 😉 I didn’t really take any personal pictures with my camera, because I had been shooting a session all morning. But of course we both took 17,000 cell phone pics. So I thought I’d share some of those along with a bunch of other October happenings.
I know this makes me a sicko on some level, but one of my favorite things to do at Disney is pick out all the grumpy faces and fighting families. 🙂
On our way to Disney, Kingston lost a piece of gum in the car. The next morning I found it in my hair.
Always a magical time when the Almeidas do Disney.
Up. Up. And away!
I’ve always wanted to ride in a hot air balloon. We kinda-sorta did at Downtown Disney. Except it was attached to the ground with a cable.
Now I really want to do the real thing!
Of course we had to visit our Cars friends while we were in town.
I swear this kid loves this hotel more than the actual parks. 🙂
Left: Kingston loves a captivated audience.
Right: Look at those sweet little faces, and then look at that sweet grown-up face down there. Ha!
My boys!!!
Halloween night.
Left: I was trying to decide what to wear for family pics… (Every time we do a shoot at home I have a hard time choosing what to wear.)
Was thinking about this comfy caftan (ok it’s a muumuu) but Kingston said, “The other one mama. I’m sure.” Hmm.
Right: A morning at Talbot Island.
We did family pics at home – Kingston played a concert, and Anderson burned some pancakes. Just a normal Saturday morning.
JK. Anderson never burns pancakes. I thin it was the pressure of the moment. 🙂
Left: Thankful for Sarah Eddy for hanging with us at home and taking our family pictures. We love working with her. :))
Right: Spider cookies.
Left: Shadow people.
Right: Hanging at the park.
Left: Randomly re-pierced my ears the other night. I can’t even remember how many there were, but I could only get two on one side and three on the other. Anderson was freaking out the whole time-threatening to puke and worrying about infection. #highschoolalloveragain
Right: Just a regular Monday night.
Left: Selfie fail, but we had the best time celebrating our friend Eddy’s birthday! Ok-I actually love this pic!!
Right: Sometimes you have to sneak out and do this. 🙂
Bad: He’s enough like me to be a 3-yr-old eye roller with an attitude. Good: He’s enough like Anderson to tell on himself for having an attitude.
Left: Our church recently launched another campus, and we had the best time helping with the music one Sunday.
Right: He sat through Girls Lunch like a boss, so I thought a treat was in order.
Left: I’ve wanted to paint stripes on all the doorways that divide up the rooms in our house forever. Finally started it!
Right: Dancing in the aisles at TJ. Everything is more fun with my boys!
Left: Show and Tell
Right: Show and Tell 2.0
Left: If there was a fire in my house, I’d grab this. These five pages are the story of how my Dad came to Christ. He recently gave a copy to me and my brother, and I’ll treasure it always! He was a pastor who had been to Bible college and seminary when he realized he didn’t have a relationship with Jesus. I’m so thankful for grace and a God who passionately pursues us!
Right: Show and Tell 3.0
Left: Happy fall, y’all.
Right: Had the BEST day with my little partner. We had a picnic at one of our fav parks – right on the beach. When I took this pic we were sitting at Sonic waiting for a “green drink.” I told Kingston to look over at the camera, and he said, “Sorry Mom. I’m zoning.”