Good. Not So Good.


– Some of our awesome friends (husband and wife!) were baptized at church yesterday, and we got to celebrate with them afterwards. We met at our boys’ preschool last year, and it’s been such a privilege to watch God work in their lives over this last year. I’m so thankful for this fun memory with them!

– In case you missed it on Facebook, Anderson and Kingston made this for my birthday. I’ll treasure it forever!


–  Anderson has started enjoying coffee. Hallelujah! Finally. It only took me 10 years to wear him down. There’s a little problem though. Until recently, we only had one travel coffee mug in the house. I didn’t realize this was an issue until we were sitting in church one Sunday, and I heard an unmistakable sipping sound. If you’ve ever parented a toddler you know this sound. I slowly turned to my left to find my husband drinking coffee from one of Kingston’s old sippy cups. During church. It was bright red and had farm animals all over it. Very discreet. I just bought him a travel mug at Target.

– Kingston is really into counting to 100 right now. I’ll just leave it at that.

– During my family birthday dinner, I got up from the table to go to the bathroom and my brother let out his signature, “What the…?” followed by “Lyndsay you look like you’re wearing a shower loofah.” Normally I just ignor his commentary about my style choices. To say we aren’t on the same fashion page is a bit of an understatement. But in his defense this time, here’s what I was wearing:

loofah2-blogNow I can’t un-see the loofah. Thank you, brother!

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