Good. Not So Good.

april 2016 - 1blogapril 2016 -7blogapril 2016 - 2blogapril 2016 - 4blogapril 2016 - 3blog


– Thank you for all your kind, encouraging words ever since I mentioned having a brain scan a few weeks ago. I’m always so appreciative of your love and support! It took over 2 WEEKS to get results. Yikes! But I’m thankful to be able to tell you that the scans showed no changes in my brain tumor. Another “stable” result! It’s so easy to scream GOD IS GOOD at times like this. And I do! Because he is! But I want you to know that he’s good no matter what. And my prayer continues to be “Not my will, but yours.” 🙂

– Kingston keeps coming up to me all the time and saying, “Lookin’ good pretty lady!” But lady sounds like LAY-DAAAAY.

– Last night I was running in our little suburban neighborhood when a Dominoes delivery guy zoomed past me. On roller blades! (I laughed so hard!) Who says you can’t experience a little bit of urban life in the burbs?!

Not So Good:

– Kingston is really into making deals right now. He’ll say, “Mom, I want to have lots of chocolate milk today. Deal?” Then we have to shake on it. The other day it was, “Mom, let’s talk about all the things you know today. Deal?” We made the deal then he asked me how he got in my belly. Ugh… I said, “When someone gets pregnant it’s a miracle… um… let’s go to Target!!! Deal?” So we went to Target. Wonder how long this will work?

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