Fall Family Sessions – My Schedule

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My absolute favorite lifestyle photographer has always been Tara Whitney. She just gets it, and following her work when I was starting my business gave me the confidence to focus on “at home” sessions! I didn’t see many people doing them then (and still don’t see them much in my area!) but watching Tara’s business flourish helped me believe it was possible to focus on the types of shoots I really wanted to do instead of what everyone else was doing! She recently posted these words on her Instagram account, and I wanted to share them here, because this is a sentiment I share with Anderson ALL THE TIME:

“So many of my clients start excusing their houses the minute I walk in. Worried it’s not good enough, embarrassed that people live there when there’s no need to be. I’ve shot in a handful of truly remarkable homes, but 75% of my at home sessions are normal, darkish, with stuff shoved in a closet I’m not supposed to look in, and juuuuust enough options to make it work. I understand why people are hesitant to shoot at home. It’s a little scary, and the over saturation of perfect rooms makes us doubt what’s really important. It’s not the cleanliness of the location, I can promise you that. Please trust me with your space.”

Y’all! This is exactly how I feel about shooting in my clients’ homes. It’s a privilege to be invited into their personal space in spite of all the insecurities that come along with it. This post is meant to remind me of that privilege and to encourage you to maybe just maaaaaaaybe let your guard down a little!

Because believe it or not, it’s that time again! I’m currently booking fall (holiday!) family sessions. September is almost completely full, and I only have a handful of October/November spots. So get on my calendar while you can! Maybe we can meet at your home?! 😉

The photo above is from my most recent “at home” session.






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