When he was little this was the “time-out” chair. I mean, we mainly just used it on days that end in y. 😉 But now it’s the “learning to read” chair!
Kingston is loving kindergarten, and we’re so thankful! He brings home a book to read (or for me to read) every night for homework. So between those and our normal reading there’s some major book love in our house right now. In these pictures he’s looking at our favorite children’s Bible, The Jesus Storybook Bible. His Uncle Will and Aunt Sara gave it to him several years ago, and now we give one to our friends when they have babies. It’s seriously the sweetest book ever. I get teary-eyed almost every time we read it! If you have kids or need a great gift, buy this book!
The pink doilie is covering the results of an unfortunate permanent marker situation that happened when Kingston was a toddler. I keep saying I’m going to try recovering the chair (it was my Grandma’s!), but I always chicken out!