Left: Date Night!
Right: This kid. He is so me. I took this pic after fighting with him about tasting a microscopic bite of string cheese for 45 minutes. I don’t even care that he was covered in Hello Kitty tattoos and had blue fingernails. Whatever. He went to Grandma and Grandpa’s for therapy over the weekend.
Weekends = Beach, beach, and more beach!
Kingston and I had donuts for lunch one day last week. Sweet Theory is the cutest little bakery!
My boys camped out at the hospital with me while I was having tests run.
Another date night! Two in one month. What the heck? 🙂
I could smother him with hugs (and kisses). Actually I do. He indulges me!
Lots of meals outside. Kingston especially liked entertaining “Ms. ‘Nita” with a song/drum routine!
That sign. What catastrophic event must have happened at the splash park making #7 a necessary addition? I mean, really!
Family jam session at Toys-R-Us on a Saturday night.
I’ve seen the Wen infomercials so many times. Anderson always makes fun of me for getting sucked into them AGAIN, but I just can’t seem to help it! Dang that Chaz Dean and his flowy hair! So I finally caved and bought the magical potion from Sephora. Is anyone interested in a review? 🙂
Left: Pray for Surf.
Right: Entertaining ourselves at lunch time.
Left: Anderson came home one day with a gift certificate to my favorite nail place, and I grabbed it and ran past him to the back door. Also, we live at the beach, and I own ONE pair of flip flops. I hate them on women. (Crazy right?) But my boys live in them all year.
Right: Kingston’s favorite beach partners.