Happy Dad’s Day

Happy Father’s Day to the “other” dad in my life! I’m so grateful that Anderson is my Baby Daddy! These are just a few reasons…

Happy Father’s Day to the “other” dad in my life!
I’m so grateful that Anderson is my Baby Daddy! These are just a few reasons why:

-He’s always willing to sacrifice for us. He recently started the crappiest work schedule ever but hasn’t complained about it once.

-Every night he takes Kingston outside to say goodnight to the moon. If he forgets, Kingston points at the door and says, “Moon?”

-He’s a really involved dad. He spends as much time as I do taking care of Kingston. I’m thinking this is pretty rare. He gets up with him on weekends and teaches him funny songs, dance moves, and words.

-Although he said he’d never touch one, he’s changed more diapers than me. He might gag the whole time, but he does it!

-Somehow he finds time to go to a weekly men’s Bible study.

-The man goes to the grocery store. The list could have started and ended there. For real.

-He prays with Kingston.

-He’s always coming home saying, “Have you heard this band/song?” And since I”m lame the answer is usually no. I love that he introduces me to new music. No top 40 around here!

-Kingston chooses him over me most of the time.

Love you! Obviously, the little guy in the picture thinks you’re pretty cool too.


  1. You are the best! You make me a better person, you have always done done that… I love you so much…thanks love you make me happy…

  2. Anderson thankyou for being a great dad to our grandson. we pray and thank Jesus for you all the time. Happy dad day

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