Tuesday – 6:40pm
See that contraption up there? This my friends, is what I call “raising another generation of fit Americans.” 🙂
Seriously though, why run when someone is willing to pull you around the neighborhood with a bungee cord?
We seriously don’t mean to be the neighborhood entertainment. It just happens.
Speaking of our neighborhood, remember how I told you back in January that we were itching to move to another area of Jacksonville? I thought it was time for a little update: We were actively looking for houses for about 3 months. (It was so much fun, and we had the best real estate agent!) But as we continued searching, I started feeling like Anderson and I weren’t on the same page about listing our house. We needed to sell ours to buy another, so I was ready to put a sign in the front yard. But he was dragging his feet a little. So one night we had a big talk about it, and he said it didn’t feel like the right time to sell our house. We live about 5 minutes from Kingston’s school and 3 minutes from our church – two of the most important parts of our life! And as much as we both want to move, he just didn’t think it made sense right now. The logical side of my brain agreed with him, but the other side, the one that really wants to move, wanted him to just shut up!
That night I took it up with God one more time. I told him that we needed some really clear direction, or we were going to screw this up big time. (Very important side note: We had just registered Kingston for school next year at the same preschool he attends now. But we wanted him in a Monday-Wednesday-Friday class and got a spot in a Tuesday-Thursday class. We were bummed but like the school enough to stay anyway.) So as I was praying that night, I asked God to somehow allow Kingston to get into a M-W-F class if he wanted us to stay in our current neighborhood. I was certain it wouldn’t happen, because the school director had just told me that we weren’t picked in the lottery. Yeah. Guess who contacted me the VERY NEXT DAY to let me know they suddenly had a space for Kingston in a M-W-F class? Yep. The same preschool director. God was so specific and so fast in giving us an answer! He is so unbelievably good! And while it’s not the answer I wanted, I know we’re exactly where he wants us to be… for now. And there’s so much peace in that!
But I have to admit I was bummed when about two weeks later a friend contacted me and said she and her husband are moving and need to sell their house pretty quickly. She knew we had been looking at houses in her neighborhood. And it was so hard to tell her that we aren’t looking anymore. At least not for the next year. Their house is in the exact area we want be in and is just the right size for us. UGH! But honestly, we just want to be where God wants us, and would rather live here than anywhere else if that is his plan for our family. Obviously, it is for now!
Better is one day living in obedience to God than a thousand elsewhere!