’09 wppi – las vegas

It was the night before we were supposed to leave for WPPI, and I was sitting on our bedroom floor with suitcases all around me…empty…

It was the night before we were supposed to leave for WPPI, and I was sitting on our bedroom floor with suitcases all around me…empty suitcases. Anderson came in and looked around, obviously surprised that I hadn’t made much progress since I had been packing for over an hour. He asked what was wrong, and I burst into tears. The tears quickly turned into ugly, snotty-nosed, gasping for air crying. The worst part was that I couldn’t explain what was wrong, because I just couldn’t pin point it. In between sobs I told Anderson that I had too much going on and not enough time to do everything. I didn’t want to go to Vegas anymore, because I knew I would feel pressured to work the whole time, and all I wanted to do was relax for a few days. He listened to all the blubbering and finally said, “You’re burnt out. We’re going on this trip, but you don’t have to work at all. Let’s just have fun.” So that’s exactly what we did! I didn’t take my computer or the massive list of fab photographers I wanted to meet and network with. Instead I just took a silly book to read on the plane, and when we got to Vegas we decided to be total tourists. I dragged Anderson to see EVERYTHING. Even though we didn’t get much sleep I came home feeling refreshed and energized. Maybe next year I’ll actually take a class or two while I’m there… maybe not!


We always have really bad “staying in a hotel” etiquette. Look at that messy room!


  1. I am so loving your shots! I wish I would have taken more and I wish I would have went to see more things. Glad you two had a great time. Ya'll are so adorable!

  2. looks like you had a fabulous time after all! i'm so jealous!! … i saw where you said you went to cirque de soliel.. did you love it? Eric and i went to the one in Orlando a couple of years ago and we thought it was soooo worth it!

  3. OMG… you sound just like me. I was blubbering like a baby because I didn't want to go at the very last minute. I was so bummed to be out there w/o Brad and all I wanted to do was be a tourist and not worry about networking and learning. I wish I could have done all the fun stuff you guys did. I'm jealous! Next time I'm going to take more "tourist" time… and bring Brad! 😉 Thank God he is full time photography now! 🙂 Glad you guys had fun and came home re

  4. Aw, girl! :: HUG::

    I know what you mean…and isn't it so great we have these men that know just what to do to make it all better?!?! xoxo


  5. Good for you; the pictures are great! I *think* I may want to go next year….but gosh, I hate the thought of flying!!

    So jealous of you meeting Jessica Claire….!!!!!

  6. Lyndsay, I know exactly how you feel! I am so glad that you decided to ditch your "to-do" list and just have fun. Most times you get a lot more out of the experience that way and I am sure you are the better for making that decision…I am looking forward to Vegas next year and happen to be in need of a good tour guide 🙂

  7. Awesomeness! I am supposed to head out there this summer (first time). I'm so pysched!

  8. sarah-you definitely should try to go next year. it was great, plus i’d love to meet you!!

    mel-that’s so funny! i would’ve been even more bummed w/out anderson. next year brad MUST GO!

    ali-you are so right-we’re blessed!


  9. lizz-you don’t need an invite! it’s for all portrait and wedding photogs.

    kaci-you should definitely start planning for next year. they’ve moved it to march, so it should be warmer!

    gwen-you will love it! how are you feeling?!

  10. My favorite is the image of the two of you in the lounge under your room. I just love it. Glad to hear you decided just to relax. Vegas is one of my favorite places to do just that. I think one of the biggest things about life these days is that we just DO too much and forget to enjoy.

  11. I love all your personal pics! Looks like a blast! I would LOVE to go next yr! I better start saving! 😉 I got married there in 2001, I think we need a trip back! lol

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