pink news

I can hardly believe it, but 2009 is fast approaching! I have a lot to be grateful for this year, and I want to thank all of my wonderful 2008 clients. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do what I love… without you I couldn’t do it. Okay, I guess I could, but Anderson would really get tired of posing for me!

For those of you who I couldn’t work with for holiday sessions, don’t be so last-minute next year. I kid, I kid! I can say that, because I’m notoriously last-minute! Seriously though, if you’re still looking for a photographer before the end of the year I would love to hook you up with on of my uber-talented friends, so feel free to contact me anyway.

Also, with the new year comes new prices. I’m offering more robust packages, so the prices will increase a little. I’m excited about the new additions to my packages, and I think you will be too. I’ll be sharing more about that as January approaches. If you want to book your session at my current rates, make sure you contact me before the first of the year.

2009 is quickly becoming a year of weddings for pinkcoffee! I wasn’t sure if I wanted to really market weddings along with my portrait work, but it looks like I’m definitely being led in that direction. I’ve put together some new wedding packages and materials that I’m really proud of, so look for more on that soon too. And I have a very talented second shooter that I can’t wait to tell you all about.

Oh, and I’m working diligently with Ross from flosites on my new blog site… thanks to Scarlett ! I hope to have it ready in a few months! Can you tell I’m a tad excited?!

Hope you all are having a fabulous week. I’m off to Orlando!

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