Top and Leggings – Birthday gift from my parents
Shoes – Christmas gift from Anderson
And a little of the Not So Good/Good lately…
Not So Good:
– Lately I’ve had the worst case of butter-fingers EVER. I’ve dropped a bottle of olive oil, a jar of pineapple jelly and Anderson’s brand new yummy smelling (and expensive) cologne. Glass + tile floor = not good.
– Having a major scare with Kingston, having to call 911, and having the worst, meanest paramedic in the world (I’m sure of it) show up at my house. Resulting in me being at a hospital downtown in tears and my pajamas. One of the lessons I learned that day: Always dress as if you could end up in a public place with no time to change. As in, feet hit the floor, pjs off, bra and pants with a zipper on.
– Having a nasty cough (several prescriptions later) for almost a month and having bad coughing fits in various social settings. The kind where people clearly become annoyed and start saying things like, “Do you think a piece of gum would help?” Gum? Help me stop coughing? No jerk, but it might help your breath. Or, “Maybe you should see a doctor.” Oh, that is such a good idea! I hadn’t thought about that until you mentioned it.
– My brain is not working. I can’t seem to remember the smallest things. The other day Anderson asked me if I had done something *Um, my point exactly… I published this without even finishing that thought.* WOW!
– We cleaned out our house and got rid of a ton of clutter that was making me feel claustrophobic. AND made some yard sale moolah in the process. Yay! And yay!
– I just started a new 6-week Bible Study that I’m really enjoying. It features a chapter on my Grandma! And so far, it’s been challenging.
– Kingston is 100% back to normal after our 911 scare. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve said, “Thank you, Jesus” these last few weeks. (Even though he seems to have the same thing I do. We feel better for a few days then we’re back to coughing our heads off.) But at least it’s nothing serious!
– Just found out that one of Anderson’s brothers and one of my college buddies are coming to visit us in the SAME month. Can’t wait for April!