Life lately via cell phone pics

The boys at church.

Psalm 34:1

They “helped me” grocery shop. Note that we are NOT in the grocery section at Target.

Lazy day together.

Looking at a light or ceiling fan. His favorite form of entertainment.

Burrito Gallery Express.

Curious George 1 & 2.

Vintage curtains. Trying to figure out where to hang them!

Strawberry shortcake.

“Band” practice. Kingston pointing out that J needs to go over his part one more time.

Curious George strikes again (on the hood of my car).

I love delivering prints!

We need swim lessons ASAP.

K. Rock and his little buddy, Caden.

We played/sang at a worship night at the church where my Grandpa preached for 30 years. Got a kick out of this old portrait of him and Grandma Shirl.

Father’s Day 2012.

Safari at Grandma and Grandpa’s house.

The last few weeks I’ve required a ridiculous amount of caffeine.

Watching the neighbor’s ceiling fan on their back porch. I’m raising a peeping tom.

Working on a business tips article.

I run while he sits back in a reclining seat eating cookies and drinking juice with his feet propped up. Such a man!

Strawberry pie. We’re on a strawberry kick.

Pool time.

Dinner out at one of our fav restaurants ALONE.

Important part of the morning routine.

Little feet.

Mommy’s juice!

Singing/playing with our friend, J.

Soaking up some very important vitamin D.

We went to the zoo. He liked the ceiling fans more than the animals.

Needed a little trim!

Brother’s B-Day.

Kingston and Uncle Eddy. Or “Ed” as he calls him.

Death grip on the feisty toddler. The only way to eat out these days.

Good food; Good friends.

Anderson and his guns. Oh, and Kingston is in the pic too!

I had nursery duty at church. One of the kids was a total bully. I won’t say which one…

We’re planning to visit Grand Rapids this fall (during Art Prize), and I’d love to book a few sessions while we’re there.
Not sure on the exact dates yet. It will depend on client preference.
Email me if you want more info!

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