Good. Not So Good.

My cute little niece took these pictures for us at her birthday party the other night.

– Kingston isn’t scared of lizards and bugs. That makes one person in our house. We just call him when we see something creepy-crawly.
– Getting take-out and eating it at the park. See Denny’s story below.
– A dryer that actually works. For almost 2 years I’ve been drying every load of clothes multiple times, because the dryer didn’t work well. Apparently you’re supposed to clean out a vent on the roof every 6 months? We’ve been in our house for 4 years. Also, I’m glad my house hasn’t burned down!
– Anderson and Kingston ride a bike with me when I run sometimes. One night I starting singing with my iPod while they stared at me in horror. Anderson kept telling me to be quiet. Then Kingston couldn’t stop laughing. I enjoyed being the embarrassing one for once.
– Our pastor mentioned that every time he goes to Target he sees Anderson and Kingston running around like crazy people. He told me to let them know there are lots of parks in our area!
– We’re going to visit Anderson’s brothers!
– Getting to serve God by doing something really fun. You know how sometimes you do something for God and even though you feel good about doing it it just isn’t fun? Well, Sunday I got to sing with our worship team, and it was one of my favorite experiences. You can see a video here. (Yep, that’s my friend Jennifer, and no she’s not wearing shoes. Ha!)

– Anderson taught Kingston to play the harmonica.
– We eat out a lot, but lately Kingston has been making that a bit difficult. Yeah. Well, one night I really wanted to go out for breakfast food, and we decided Denny’s would be a safe place. I mean, he could pretty much do anything in there and people wouldn’t mind, right? Our kid was so bad we had to LEAVE DENNY’S. That’s when you know you have issues.
– Elmo’s voice. Really.

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