Anderson and I took a road trip to Atlanta this weekend to visit Ben and Audrey. I hate traveling in the car. He doesn’t mind it at all. I took 4 bags. He took one. I think he’s part gypsy. He can pack up and go anywhere with a moment’s notice.
He did his best to make me comfortable and happy, and I really appreciated it! To get ourselves in the right frame of mind, we watched Gone with the Wind on the way there. It’s still my favorite! I didn’t think Anderson would like it, but he did. The drive wasn’t as bad as I had anticipated. It’s hard not to have a good time with Anderson!
It’s always fun when we get together with Ben and Aud. They are the type of friends who we can be away from, but as soon as we are back together we always pick up right where we left off.
Highlights of our trip:
-The Drive.
-Long talks with Audrey while the boys played video games-I can talk to her about anything and know she won’t judge. It’s so refreshing.
-Listening to the boys while they had “band practice”.
-Staying in Ben’s Aunt and Uncle’s gigantic house with his cousins and other random people. It’s like they are running a hotel or something.
-Shopping-With the boys, then without them.
-Going to a Korean Grocer’s Golf tournament with Audrey. Don’t even know how to explain this!
-FOOD-We ate so much that we all felt sick every night! The Greek restaurant was the worst. The OK Cafe, the best.
-Sitting by the bonfire.
-Sunday morning church at North Point.
-Walking to Piedmont Park.
-Realizing yet again that Audrey and Anderson are just alike, as are Ben and I!