dear blog

-We ate Mochi for dinner. It was my idea. And it was awesome.

-I love being popular. Really, I do, but could I please just go to the bathroom without one or both Almeida boys needing to ask me a question/climb on my lap/tell me something funny on the internet/sit on the floor at my feet? Geez. Now I know why my Mom used to lock the door.

-The other day I woke up with the worst headache ever. I thought maybe I'd start feeling better if I just got on with my day, so I went to a store and the craziest thing happened. I almost bought a pair of capris. I do not wear capris people. They are weird half-pants that make me look like I'm about 4'1". But I stood there in the store admiring these "pants" thinking they were really cute. Then something clicked in my brain, and I slowly put them back on the rack, walked away quickly, went home, and got in bed. Clearly I was really sick and needed to sleep off whatever illness was impairing my fashion judgment.

-I still have a love-hate relationship with running. More hate than love. Just in case you were wondering.

-A few nights ago we had a late night Taco Bell run, and I had college flashbacks. I ate it so much back then that when I came down with a really weird illness (that resembled hepatitis but couldn't be nailed down) the only possible explanation was too much Taco Bell. Can I just tell you that over 5 years later eating Taco Bell when you should be sleeping was just as good as I remember it?!

-I keep applying to be on Wheel of Fortune but haven't been picked yet. I'm pretty sure they're scared of my skills and think I'll win so much money that they'll have to cancel the show forever. Are contestants allowed to wear evening dresses or is that just Vanna?

-Kingston's participated in his first missions project over the weekend. He didn't really have a choice, but whatever. Small detail. Our church does a community service day every year, (IMPACT Jacksonville) where over 500 people go to over 20 locations around the city and work their butts off in order to show people the love of Christ. I was asked to take pictures of some of the teams doing their thing, so we made it a family event. We had a great time, and I was happy to be able to do something to help. Or maybe I was happy to drive around in the AC and take pics of people sweating for Jesus. Selfless or Selfish? Hmmmmm. 🙂

Me and the little missionary-in-training.