kingston rock – 5 weeks

This kid has a lot of toys, but the only one he’s interested in right now is this one:Mr. Sock Monkey. ๐Ÿ™‚  

This kid has a lot of toys, but the only one he's interested in right now is this one:

Mr. Sock Monkey. ๐Ÿ™‚



  1. Love the last one the most. I wonder when his eyes will turn. I think it takes a few months? Kiss those puffy little cheeks for me!

  2. What a cute little monkey you've got there! He is absolutely ADORABLE!!! I love everything about these images especially the processing. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. He is SOOOO cute! I love that. We are preparing for our 1st Birthday Party and I think we're doing Sock Monkeys! Where in the world did you get that darling hat???? He looks a lot like you!

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