outfit of the week – maternity style

Sometimes one necklace (or four) is just not enough! Blazer-ExpressBlack T-shirt and Pink Lace Skirt-TargetPatent Leather Shoes-DillardsMr. T Starter Set-I don’t remember where any of…

Sometimes one necklace (or four) is just not enough!

Black T-shirt and Pink Lace Skirt-Target
Patent Leather Shoes-Dillards
Mr. T Starter Set-I don't remember where any of them came from!

We started birthing class this week. Not sure how much we learned, but we did laugh a lot. Anderson pointed out that they should probably offer this course BEFORE pregnancy. Even after pictures, diagrams and explanations I still don't understand how a baby is going to come out of "there". Anderson kept raising his hand when the instructor asked about symptoms… "Has anyone experienced heartburn (Anderson), upset stomach (Anderson), back pain (Anderson)?" Pretty sure the other people in the class thought he was crazy. I don't know if we will go back for more. I still hold to my "ignorance is bliss" theory. 🙂


  1. Lyndsay – I totally agree that it's better to not know about all that stuff and they should tell you this stuff BEFORE. It freaked me out a little about the after stuff, but it's ALL good.

  2. My husband used to say that he had a "Sympathy Baby" to explain his little pot belly that was really from his lack of running and biking. I loved my birthing class but I had a really awesome teacher and learned so much. I would suggest the first aid classes though. I'm going to look into them. My 8 mo old just had her first choking experience and I almost had a heart attack! You look fabulous BTW!!

  3. Birthing Class was…um…interesting… 🙂

    Love the outfit…cutest prego on the block.

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