just the two of us

Earlier this week a friend sent a message encouraging me to "embrace this sweet season of just you and A before Homie arrives."
Yes, she calls our baby Homie!

I think this was the first time I realized that it will only be just the two of us for a couple more months. We will never have this time again, and I want to take advantage of every moment!

I started making a list of little things I want to do together…
– Go on a picnic. I love picnics, and the weather is so nice now!
– Eat at Cruisers, b/c that's where we had our first date.
– Spend an evening at the beach. We used to do this when we were first married. Anderson always took his guitar. 🙂
– Take a weekend trip somewhere. Not sure though, b/c our weekends are full though mid-November. I can't fly at that point, so we have to go somewhere within driving distance. Road trip?!
– Spend an afternoon doing touristy things in St. Augustine.

Do you have any fun ideas?

Picture by Corinna Hoffman.