the great date experiment

Anderson and I love our Life Group at church. LOVE IT! Right now we’re going through a study on marriage, and our leaders challenged us to do the Great Date Experiment. So last week we went on Great Date #1. It was so much fun. 🙂 We brought the camera, because when we first started dating we took pictures all the time!

We learned some fun stuff about each other. Like, if we had to pick a different city for us to live in, we’d both choose NYC. And we played “Would You Rather” while we waited on our dinner…I love that game!

It was refreshing to do something different and take the time to really focus on our relationahip and talk about the areas that make God happy and the areas that we need to work on. If you want to participate in the Great Date Experiment, you can print the dates, starting with #1 right here. Try it!

In other news, I received an abnormally large amount of photography/business questions in my inbox over the weekend. We all know I’m not good about responding to them or posting answers here on my blog. So I’ve decided to give in and try Formspring to answer a few of them each week. Maybe this will be more efficient than trying to keep up with FAQ posts. Fell free to submit one. This should be fun!