baby clara

I once worked with a crazy girl who always squealed and said, “I just want to bite those cheeks,” when she saw a cute baby. I always thought she was so weird for saying that. I mean, who bites a baby?! Then I saw Baby Clara’s chubby cheeks the other day and finally understood…at least a little.

Baby Clara is so sweet! She didn’t feel very good on the day of her shoot, but she was still a little trooper. Her mom, Winnie, and I have been friends for a long time (since our JU college days), so it was fun catching up with her and kissing her pretty baby between shots-no biting though! Winnie is one of those friends who I want everyone to meet. If she comes up in conversation I always tell people, “Oh, you’d love her!” And everyone does. She’s such a blast to be around. And Clara’s wardrobe consultant, her Aunt Maddison, is too. These girls love to laugh, so I love being around them! The weather didn’t really cooperate with us, and since Miss Priss was a little sniffle-y we did a big chunk of her session inside. She entertained us thoroughly. 🙂