faq: round 2

The Bag Edition!
Thanks for all the positive feedback about my FAQ post back in February. I’ve decided to make this a monthly occurrence, so feel free to keep your questions coming. Just be patient with me if it takes a while to post an answer. I promise to do my best to answer each one!

Jennifer asked:
Hey, I love your site. I am a new photographer and I know this is a weird request, but where did you get your camera bag? I love the paisley.
Jennifer, that’s actually not weird at all. When I first started my business I was on a mad hunt for a fun camera bag. I love to accessorize everything I wear and wasn’t about to carry around a big, bulky, black backpack. That would have seriously cramped my style! So imagine my excitement when I found <a href=”http://shootsac.com/”>Shootsac</a>. The bags were created by the incredibly talented <a href=”http://www.jessicaclaire.net/”>Jessica Claire</a>, and they are exactly what I was looking for: fun, funky and fresh! If you are thinking about buying one, I absolutely recommend that you take the plunge. In fact, they’re running a promotion right now, and if you buy a bag before the end of March they will throw in one of the new spring covers for free! You mentioned that you like my cover, so I just wanted to let you (and everyone else) know that I’m selling it for $35. It’s the <a href=”http://shootsac.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=86″>Classic Baroque</a> style. I just bought a new one and can’t think of a good reason to justify having two! It’s in great shape. If anyone’s interested just shoot me an email.

With Jessica Claire at the Shootsac booth in Vegas.

My new Shootsac cover. Photo by Anderson. 🙂
Happy Weekend!!!