the husband

I have to brag on this man for a minute. I mentioned earlier that I had a business trip last week. However I failed to…

I have to brag on this man for a minute. I mentioned earlier that I had a business trip last week. However I failed to mention that my flight home was delayed for a very long time, and I didn’t get back to Jacksonville until 1:45am on Friday. Anderson waited patiently in the airport for me (actually he and my dad were asleep when mom and I got off the plane) and drove me home even though he had to be up early for work. When I got home, I walked into a completely clean apartment. He didn’t just pick up-he actually CLEANED! Everything looked beautiful. Later that day he called me from work to tell me we had dinner reservations at one of my favorite restaurants! Hmm… maybe I need to go out of town more often. 😉

I am so thankful for you and feel so blessed to be your wife.
Thank you for the joy you bring me!


  1. So sweet! You guys make one damned sexy couple, hahaha. You should have taken a picture of him and your dad sleeping in the airport before they woke up….I’m guessing it was funny and precious all wrapped into one.

  2. Sara, They really are. I think we know how to pick them! Marlena, I wanted to take a picture. You would’ve loved it! But I was carrying too much stuff and really tired.

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