let the parties begin

I have a confession to make.

I’m not feeling very ‘Christmas-y’ this year. I think it has to do with moving last week and being so busy. I just haven’t been excited like I usually am. Even the Target Christmas section didn’t put me in the mood. We don’t have a tree up, (how can I even think about that when I’m still unpacking boxes?!) and I haven’t bought one gift. I don’t think I’ve been a total Scrooge, but close.

Well, last night that all changed.

The Clary Holiday Party is the event of the year. Everyone wants to be on the guest list, so when I got my invitation in the mail last month I was just a little bit excited! Anderson and I (along with 700 other people) went to the University Club in Jacksonville and kicked off the Christmas season in style last night. We had a blast!

Clary and Associates goes all out for this party. My friend Shari is in charge of it, so I’ve heard rumors but had no idea what to expect. Let me tell you…they had it all: to-die-for food; fun entertainment and a festive atmosphere that would put even the biggest Scrooge in the Christmas spirit!

Me and my hot date!


A signed U2 guitar in the silent auction. Anderson so wanted to bid on it. I’d rather pay our mortgage.

“Nat King Cole” was part of the entertainment.

PS- All these photos were taken with a canon powershot camera (not sure which model). I’m always disappointed with the results when I use a p and s, but sometimes it’s just not practical to bring my huge camera! I’m planning to buy a new p and s camera soon and would love any feedback from my fellow photogs. Any suggestions?

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