Jenny Beth – A Sweet 16 Lifestyle Shoot

Jenny Beth recently turned 16, so we celebrated with a photo shoot. She is truly a girl after my own heart! She knows what she…

Jenny Beth recently turned 16, so we celebrated with a photo shoot. She is truly a girl after my own heart! She knows what she likes (and what she doesn’t!), has her own style, doesn’t want to be like everyone else, is a talented artist, and exudes confidence. I didn’t even know those traits were possible for a teenager girl to own. 😉 But she does! And I think it might have something to do with her awesome parents! But mostly, because her identity is in Christ. 🙂

I’m proud of you, Jenny! Keep shining your light!

Sweet 16 Lifestyle ShootSweet 16 Lifestyle ShootSweet 16 Lifestyle ShootSweet 16 Lifestyle ShootSweet 16 Lifestyle ShootSweet 16 Lifestyle ShootSweet 16 Lifestyle ShootSweet 16 Lifestyle ShootSweet 16 Lifestyle ShootSweet 16 Lifestyle ShootSweet 16 Lifestyle ShootSweet 16 Lifestyle ShootSweet 16 Lifestyle ShootSweet 16 Lifestyle ShootSweet 16 Lifestyle ShootSweet 16 Lifestyle ShootSweet 16 Lifestyle Shoot

She might kill me for this, but we did a shoot for her 13th birthday too. You can see those pictures here!



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