August via Cell Phone Pics

This is a long one, and I’m not in the mood for words/captions this morning… Leave a comment if you have any questions!

This is a long one, and I’m not in the mood for words/captions this morning…
Leave a comment if you have any questions!


  1. Glad you said “leave a comment” because I was looking at the pics and thinking Wait! I wanna know how she painted that chevron! Do you have tips? Will you do a post? Thank you!

    1. Rachel, You measure and mark 1 ft all the way across the wall, then do that all the way down. Then use a ruler or just eye wear to connect your painter’s tape. It’s easy once you get all the marks on the wall!

  2. How did I miss so many instagram pix?!?!! I don’t remember half of these! LOVE the chevron wall! Looks great! I can’t imagine how tedious that was! Looks awesome!

    And…still LOVE that yellow shirt with the doiley on it! I gotta make me one of those!

    Hope your day is great!


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