kingston – 8 months

These pictures aren’t very good technically. 🙁 By the time I noticed my white balance was off, The King was tired of sitting still… he…

These pictures aren't very good technically. 🙁 By the time I noticed my white balance was off, The King was tired of sitting still… he might have even rolled off the chair! Oh well, they still make me smile. And I thought you'd get a kick out of the hat, Beatles shirt, jacket and man-pris (capris).

We have a happy, active (almost 9 month old) on our hands.


  1. Pssh, white balance can just take a seat because I love them! I love his little blazer and hat LOL. I can't believe how big he is.

  2. Oh my goodness, Kingston looks like Uncle Don:) Precious pictures. The bottom right face shot is sweet.

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