Kingston Rock Almeida was born December 10th, 2010 at 4:09 PM. (Anderson says this is easy to remember because of the cleaning product!) He had blue eyes and brown hair, weighed 7lbs. 6 oz. and was just over 21 inches long – can’t remember exactly how long, but that’s just a minor detail!
What a week it has been. I think I’ve been on the internet for about 15 minutes total and haven’t even taken any pictures of the little guy. Sleep just seems so much more appealing right now. I’m sure there will be many pictures to come, but for now this is the only one I have to share! I’m surprised it’s in focus, because the proud daddy who took it had pretty watery eyes at the time.
There’s one thing I’ve been wanting to do this week and since I finally have a minute of clarity I thought I’d share it on my blog. I keep thinking about all the cool things God has done for us over the last week and want to write them down somewhere, because I never EVER want to forget them.
-He allowed our favorite doctor to be starting his 3-day shift just as we were getting admitted to the hospital. We liked all the docs in our practice, but we know this one personally, and he is a Godly man who we trust completely. This was not a coincidence, and because of the major complications that went along with Kingston’s delivery I don’t think it’s a stretch to say our doctor’s wisdom and discernment saved my life.
-He answered all of our urgent prayers. Even the ones that seem kind of small, like prayers for less pain, quicker responses from nurses, good feedings, a good night’s sleep.
-He gave us sweet friends who have prayed for us and brought us yummy meals. We’ve had such good food! Today we even had breakfast delivered. 🙂 Even our neighbors have been sweet enough to stop by and bring gifts. Thank you for the cards, texts, emails and phone calls. We’ve felt very loved!
-He gave me a husband who has helped more than I ever imagined. I’m not supposed to be doing much more than feeding the little milk hog right now, and Anderson has stepped up and taken on everything else. And to think a few weeks ago he said he would never change a diaper!!
-He also gave me the most selfless, loving parents I could ever ask for. This whole experience has made me appreciate them even more. They’ve prayed for us constantly. My Mom moved in with us for the first few days and basically taught us both how to take care of an infant. We had NO CLUE! She also cooked for us, kept our house cleaned and did all of our laundry. And Grandpa came over and entertained Kingston all afternoon yesterday, so he would sleep through the night. And it worked!
I’ve already forgotten some of the things I wanted to write. I’ll blame it on lack of sleep and pain meds, but I’m so thankful for a God who loves and cares for me and who was right beside me to comfort me on an operating table when I knew something was wrong but didn’t know what it was. He is so faithful to us!