dear blog

Dear Blog, -This has been one of those weeks. You know, the kind that drives you to countdown to the weekend by marking off each day on…

Dear Blog,

-This has been one of those weeks. You know, the kind that drives you to countdown to the weekend by marking off each day on the wall like a prisoner? Ugh. We drowned our sorrows in Mexican food last night and reminded each other that no matter what's going on in our lives we have SO MUCH to be thankful for. Thank you, God!

-It's a rainy mess here in J-ville this weekend, so my photoshoot was postponed. Poop.

-I'm pretty sure my husband has been playing video games for about 14 hours straight. I pretend to be annoyed, but it really just gives me time to make fun stuff! (And sneak away to Hobby Lobby without being noticed.)

-We're having our kitchen and living room painted this weekend (thanks Mom and Dad!), so we had to take everything off the walls and move all the furniture and decorations. Wow! Maybe Anderson was right afterall. I have a problem saying "no" to home decor.

-I did a guest post on my cute friend and <a href="">client</a>, Julieanne Turner's <a href=>blog</a>. Check it out if you haven't already!

-My big goal this weekend is to put the finishing touches on the photography mentoring program I've been working on for several months. Look for more information in February. So excited!!!

Ever wonder what the really cool people do on the weekends?
They hang out at Lowe's, of course. 🙂


  1. You're so funny! We found an apartment today and it is walking distance to Home Depot so I got all excited and told Greg NO EXCUSE to put off starting OPAMs in February (=

  2. If all the cool people hang out at lowe's on the weekend, I must be really cool! lol… Can't wait to see what your business plans are, so excited for you.

  3. Lindsay, If you hang out at Hobby Lobby, I am surprised I haven't seen you there. There is one about 2 mi. from my house. (Old St. Augustine Rd.) I love that store. I am usually found in the scrapbooking department. I am not creative like you and my oldest, Stacey, but I copy layouts well!

  4. *LMBO* If you lived in Texas, we'd so be friends!!! I love how you share your life, your heart for all things God's given & are so real while looking like a rock star on the red carpet!

    Thanks for making me laugh! You inspire me every time I drop by your site with a cup of coffee in hand. I snuggle down, because I know God will speak to me through you. When he does, I'm usually filled with giggles & have to turn on dancin' music. Then it gets crazy. LOL!

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