Good. Not So Good.


Anderson’s office is having a Mardi Gras party today, and he’s in charge of music. (Naturally). So all weekend our house sounded like Bourbon Street. Fortunately it didn’t look OR smell like it though.

Found out that some of our favorite friends are coming to stay with us in a few weeks.

It was 80 degrees here on Sunday! Ah-bring on the spring weather. I even sat outside and soaked up some rays for a while. On a side note, there’s just something about putting on a bathing suit for the first time every year that motivates me to eat right… EVERY year!

We found this marriage series online and are really liking the videos. Usually one of us will really enjoy something like this and the other will be like, “Ehh, it’s okay.” But we both love this series! We’ve been watching the videos seperately and talking about them later and the same points keep jumping out at both of us. It’s so cool to be challenged by God’s Word!

Anderson gets all of the government holidays off, so we had a nice long weekend. Yay government!


Kingston did a front flip out of a cart at Target the other day. Scared me to death. THAT kid!

Made another lousy attempt at couponing the other night. Seriously not wasting my time anymore. Truth: We can’t all be good at everything. 🙂


Yes, I dressed the boys like twins for dinner. No matter what they say, they LOVED it!

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