What a fun day! Anderson still hasn't stopped smiling. 🙂 Everyone in the doctor's office was laughing at him, because he was SO excited.
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Anderson made the video…it made me cry. 🙂 I prayed the baby would wave at us (cheesy, I know), but he did!
Let the shopping commence! We should probably stock up on baby hair product for the inevitable fohawk.
Congrats! I just know he is going to be the cutest little boy ever! Seeing my baby on the screen was the greatest experience (until holding her for the first time) and she did a big back stretch as soon as they found her. I thought "Huh, wonder if she'll love yoga as much as I do??". I'm so happy for you guys and I'll be praying for a happy pregnancy and a healthy wee one! Congrats again! I can't wait to see his photo shoots!!!
SOOOOO Adorable!!! Congrats!!! There is nothing like a mother/son relationship, it is amazing!! I am excited for you!!
It's it the most amazing thing! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
oh prayes God from whom al blessing flow!!!!!!
LOVE it and so glad I got to share in the excitement! So so sooooooooooo happy for you both!
Congratulations!!!!!! We are very excited for you both.
How AWESOME is that!!! Sooooooooooooo precious! I bet you are absolutely adorable pregnant! God has truly blessed you both!
LOVE the video!!! Congratulations!! 🙂
That is so sweet. I am so happy for y'all. Congratulations!! 🙂
Oh that is ***SOOO**** awesome! I am so happy for you both!!!!
Btw~ I adored the video.. super sweet and made me mushy!
I bet Peggy spent all day shopping for blue!
That is soo sweet!! Congrats 🙂
I am SOOOOOO excited for you!! What a blessing from the Lord! And eventhough you think your prayer was cheesy, the Lord answered it, and it was such a cute little wave 🙂
Yay!! Can't wait to hear the name you guys will choose!! That video was so sweet. Y'all are so talented! Baby Almeida is going to have a lot of talents!!
I thought of you guys today…and yay for a baby boy!!!! 🙂 Congratulations!! I know Anderson is super proud!!! You can still get him the fancy and cute wardrobe, Lyndsay! I can picture Anderson teaching him how to play soccer now 🙂 Again, congratulations and God bless!! XOXO
Congrats you two! What a beautiful video and the soccer kick was pretty amazing 🙂
Awesome, I am so excited. I can't wait to see his mohaw in about 3yrs. I know Anderson will have him rockin out in no time. Ya'll are going to be such great parents. Congrats!!
Congratulations on Baby Boy!! You guys are going to be the most fun parents ever, and I'm sure he will be a total rockstar baby. 🙂 The video was super sweet, too.
Linds, you have such a tiny little belly! Congratulations to you and Anderson. You guys are going to be rockin; parents.
Awe, that was so sweet! I got teary eyed.
PS – I told you it was a boy !! You should really learn to listen 😉